Bees do so much work to keep us all alive; they are probably the animal that works the hardest for us and really, get very little appreciation. We love bees and maintain beehives, because 1) they are so good for all the farms around here, they do great work in pollination, and 2) we love honey and can sell it as part of becoming self-sustainable. We sell it under the name “The Love of Bees,” as in, the love the bees show us, as well as the love we have for them.
We are planning to add meliponas (stingless bees) to our garden here at the center to teach the local community about the benefits of bees. Meliponas produce very little honey- we won’t do any extraction- but their work in pollination is such a massive benefit for everyone, everywhere, and we are so happy to give them a loving home where they can thrive and abound.